The project will have an administrative staff of 12. 项目将包括一个12人组成的管理小组。
Administrative staff may be deskilled through increased automation and efficiency. 随着自动化程度和效率的不断提高,对管理人员的技能要求可能会大大降低。
Article 48 Where teaching and administrative staff in schools, nurseries or kindergartens subject minor students or children to corporal punishment or corporal punishment in disguised forms, and if the circumstances are serious, disciplinary sanctions shall be given by their units or the authorities at higher levels. 第四十八条学校、幼儿园、托儿所的教职员对未成年学生和儿童实施体罚或者得变相体罚,情节严重的,由其所在单位或者上级机关给予行政处分。
The outsourcing of such tasks reflects a new sensitivity around the use of full-time administrative staff, she suggests. 她暗示,外包这类事务反映了一种关于指派全职行政员工的新的敏感性。
The third part, Cultivation of the administrative staff. 第三部分,当前企业管理人员存在的问题。
One of the most important divisions of the hotel's administrative staff is the accounting department. 酒店行政管理人员中一个最重要的部门之一就是财务部。
Career Management Project Design for the Administrative Staff of Kai Xuan University in Changchun 长春凯旋大学行政人员职业生涯管理方案设计
The company has a batch of experience engineer, technician, skilled worker and administrative staff with modern thinking of professional technique in more than ten years. 公司拥有一批十多年专业技术经验的工程师、技师、技工和具有现代意识的管理人员。
On the Predicament and Countermeasure of the Moral Regression of Administrative Staff in Our Country 我国行政人员道德回归的困境与出路在困境中探寻&浅析马德琳的回归
Methods interviews were conducted with the administrative staff and questionnaire surveys were undertaken on the department heads and residents in three hospitas, and then a statistical analysis was made of the results. 方法对3所医院的行政管理人员进行访谈,对科主任和住院医师进行问卷调查,对调查结果进行统计分析。
High school teaching and administrative staff to work enthusiasm and a high sense of responsibility for the training of the twenty-first century socialist builders and successors to work hard. 全校教职员工以高涨的工作热情,高度的责任感,为培养二十一世纪的社会主义建设者和接班人而努力工作。
Study on the method of evaluating administrative staff's comprehensive ability in colleges and universities 高等学校行政管理人员综合能力评价方法研究
Improving quality is an important task of the administrative staff construction in Chinese higher education. 提高素质是新时期高等教育管理干部队伍建设的重要课题。
A Study on the Performance Appraisal System of Suzhou University Administrative Staff 宿州学院行政管理人员绩效考核体系研究
For the modern university administrative staff performance management to provide some ideas and opinions. 为现代高校行政管理人员绩效管理提供一些看法和见解。
And ( C) administrative staff manuals and instructions to staff that affect a member of the public; 行政人员手册以及发给行政人员并影响到某公众成员的指示;
Sources of Working Pressure of Administrative Staff and Their Effects 管理人员工作压力源及其影响&国有企业与私营企业的比较
The article analyzes the necessity of setting up a strategic income distribution system from that's for secondary sector, for design staff, and for administrative staff. 本文从二级设计部门分配方式、设计人员的激励方式和职能管理人员的激励方式三个方面,分析了勘察设计单位树立战略性薪酬管理理念的必要性。
A Study of Motivate Mechanism in University Administrative Staff in Western China 西北地区高校行政管理人员激励机制研究
There are several job advertisements for administrative staff in today's newspaper. 今天报纸上有几条招聘管理人员的广告。
Management and Motivation Research of Administrative Staff of Northeast Normal University 东北师范大学机关行政人员管理与激励研究
We should redouble our efforts in scientific and technological research, in education at all levels and in the training of workers, administrative staff and cadres. 要大大加强科学技术研究工作,大大加强各级教育工作,以及全体职工和干部的教育工作。
As for a high quality university, not only is qualified teaching staff needed, but also a group of competent administrative staff. 办好一所高校,不仅需要高质量的教师队伍,而且需要高素质的行政管理干部队伍。
The senior administrative staff is the core leader of the company. 高级行政人员都是公司的核心领导者。
Senior officers-i.e.anyone with the rank of captain or above-get their own administrative staff. 高级军官,亦即有上校或上校以上军衔者,有他们自己的行政人员。
Appoint professional administrative staff and constructors of high quality of thinking and business level to build up the project management department and various professional construction teams. 选派思想素质高、业务能力强的专业管理人员和施工人员组成项目经理部和各专业施工队。
Method carry out statistic analysis of the992 teaching and administrative staff's health examination results whose position is above associate professon and section chief. 方法对992例副教授和处级以上教职工的体检情况进行统计分析。
Salaries due to the teaching and administrative staff and their social insurance premiums payable; 应当支付给教职工的工资和应当缴纳的社会保险费用;
This paper is of certain directive significance to such administrative staff of information as CIO of enterprises, etc. 相信对企业的信息管理人员有一定的指导意义。